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- Water service line must be ¾” C.T.S. plastic pipe with a 250 PSI minimum rating unless otherwise specified. NO COPPER IS PERMITTED.
- All underground connections will be compression fitting only. Solder and glue connections are not permissible underground.
- Service lines should be installed in a trench 40” – 42” deep, with a #10 or #12 tracer wire run in the ditch. Leave extra wire so it can be run into the curb box.
- Every ditch must be dug out to the curb box. (DO NOT dig on the road side of the curb box)
- The ditch in front of the curb box needs to be 3’ wide by 5’ long so that the crew member can make the connection.
- Ditch must be pumped free of water.
- If using a well prior to installing city water the well must be disconnected at the time of the inspection.
- Immediately after the line enters the basement a shut off valve is to be installed (we require a ¾” brass ball valve). After the shut off a PRV (pressure reducing valve) will need installed. Leave a 13” horizontal space for the meter and then install either a dual check valve or a backflow preventer. All of these must be done prior to inspection.
- Service lines MUST be inspected before covering. Trench backfill for covering the line should be clean fill with no large stones. Sand and 2RC stone make a good bedding around the pipe.
- During the inspection the inspector will make the connection to the curb stop, flush the line, and then set the meter. The meter must be in a heated area. If the home does not have a basement or is more than 150’ from the main line, a meter and meter pit will be installed next to the curb stop. Outdoor monitors will be connected to all meters so that a serviceman does not have to enter the home to read the meter.
- Once the meter has been installed you may connect your plumbing to the service line.
- A reminder that the tap in fee must be paid prior to scheduling an inspection. A security deposit may be required of the home owner and will be required if the home owner requests bills be sent to a tenant.
- If any of the above criteria are not met the inspection will fail and have to be rescheduled. There will be a $50.00 service fee charged for each rescheduled appointment.
- Call the I.C.M.S.A. office at 724-349-6640 for an inspection appointment. Office hours are Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. A 24 hour notice is required to schedule the inspection.